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    I don't think Cubical.HITs.HitInt exists in the cubical library anymore. It seems to have been replaced with QuoInt. This makes it hard to complete this kata. Anyway this can be updated?

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    Please! don't use m and n that are not even defined in this kata (you have to go to the 3 kyu versions to understand what they mean). Use launches and eggs, instead.

    Even better: copy the whole description of the kata!

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    Haskell noob here -- I wrote up something that seems to typecheck and pass the sample tests, but it times out on submission with logs "Generating tests...". Is this necessarily an issue with my solution module? Otherwise, how should I interpret this -- should I be looking for a simpler proof?

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    "don't need to know neither"

    "neither" => "either"

    The description should clarify its comment on leading zeroes; should they be preserved in the transformation?

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    I try to solve this with Kotlin.
    But I got the feeling that the error message seems to bo wrong in the test cases.
    Here is an example:

    Input: 'run{->a}' expected:<[]> but was:<[Hugh?]>

    When I got the description correct the input is invalid so the answer should be Hugh? but the test case expects the empty string as answer.

    Is the test broken ? (Are some test broken ?)


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    Typo in description: "reserse" should be "reverse".

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    It seems broken on Agda.
    If it's not, wider sample tests needed, because error messages are unhelpful and doesn't give any idea on which samples it's failing.

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    I had this test case: A < out > -> is this correct? According to the specification, I would doubt it. It seems to be a keyword, one that requires type behind it

    typeParam      ::= "*"
                     | "in " type
                     | "out " type
                     | type
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    For both Kotlin and Java, since userType can be just a name, having just functionType and userType should suffice in the definition of type

    type           ::= functionType
                     | name
                     | userType
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    In java section: params should be typeParams

    typeParams     ::= typeParam [ "," typeParams ]
    simpleUserType ::= name [ "<" params ">" ]
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    It seems to me, or simple tests are contradictory.

    Passing a 2 by 2 test is possible with an index (0,0) for the lower right corner and with an index (1,1) for the upper left corner.

    Passing a 3 by 3 test is possible with an index (0,0) for the lower left corner and with an index (0,2) for the upper left corner.

    Passing a 5 by 5 test is possible with an index (4,4) for the lower right corner and with an index (0,0) for the upper left corner.

    Am i wrong somewhere?

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    This should probably be downranked to something like 7kyu as well, since, well, we have znots and injSuc.

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