Had the same problem.
The add, subtract and dot methods must raise errors.
The equals method must return only true or false even if the vectors have different sizes.
I have the same question (in Python). I raised an exception and it ends up being uncaught which causes the tests to exit with error code 1, so they fail even though all the tests show passed. It looks like many people have completed this kata though so maybe we're missing something obvious. Though I think the instructions should be more clear about precisely what "throw an error" means.
good, just read the links and try to see pattern of the notes in the image of the guitar, it is a bit confusing if you know nothing but may get you interested in music (or hate it, if you begin by the hard part like this).
raise Exception
works.In JS, it should be
throw new Error("error message")
OP solved it though, closing.
I feel your pain.
Had the same problem.
The add, subtract and dot methods must raise errors.
The equals method must return only true or false even if the vectors have different sizes.
raise exception is works
I have the same question (in Python). I raised an exception and it ends up being uncaught which causes the tests to exit with error code 1, so they fail even though all the tests show passed. It looks like many people have completed this kata though so maybe we're missing something obvious. Though I think the instructions should be more clear about precisely what "throw an error" means.
Sure, if you want it to be sloooooooooooooooooooooooow, you can do it in one line :)
Thx :)
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good, just read the links and try to see pattern of the notes in the image of the guitar, it is a bit confusing if you know nothing but may get you interested in music (or hate it, if you begin by the hard part like this).
13k+ completions.
To make it possible to past all tests obviously.
... but what exactly is your suggestion?
same in the javascript version
array one contains twice the number 2 insted of twice 3
Each number must have one and only one crospond that is power of two
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