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    Ok, thanks for clarification

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    This Kata uses a very ridiculous optimization technique. Let's just say, the Kata really wants you to optimize the fact that only up to exactly a million elements will tested. It's overkill if you ask. Your algorithm is likely correct, but try to aggressively optimize everything other than your algorithm too.

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    I think there is a problem with this kata. I prepared a solution and tested it on my local machine + js sandbox. My solution returns the variable "result" which is integer. When I make an attemp - it works slowly and as a result i caught timeout error. My solution is correct(there is no proble with it), it is executed vast everywhere except codewars. Moreover, I get the right answer during my code execution. The problem is in the output. If I convert my answer to string(for instance) - I get an error that MY ANSWER IS WRONG BECAUSE OF THE TYPE MISSMATH, but I see that the result of my calculation is right and mathces the final answer of this kata(the same situation happens when I convert the "result" variable to object). Could you please take a look at this point? If it is needed, I can post my solution in this chat