"The JavaScript version tests function's body length instead of the actual code length... you can return another function and that function can be as long as it wants."
You forget that it's 7 kuy. As well as the other kata. They are made for beginners! And for beginner this one is much simpler that the other one.
There are plenty of katas for advanced coders like yourself, but these two are for beginners and there's a distinct difference between them if you're just starting to learn algorithms.
As far as I understand duplicates' solutions should work for each other. Otherwise it's just similar ideas which demand different solutions. Different solutions – different katas.
Ok, you found one solution that if kind of the same, but not exactly, so it's still disputable. How about other 100 solutions.
Ah, sorry, I meant for the other kata, Odd one: https://www.codewars.com/kata/5f882dcc272e7a00287743f5/javascript
For some reson FArekkusu still thinks there's the same issue and also another one, do you think you can fix those?
Should be fine now
@LarisaOvchinnikova, could you please check the issue that has been raised on JS translation of that other kata https://www.codewars.com/kata/5f882dcc272e7a00287743f5/javascript
"The JavaScript version tests function's body length instead of the actual code length... you can return another function and that function can be as long as it wants."
What's the difference?
You should think of shorter solution
Thank you )
Done. Although some people consider this kata a duplicate so I doubt it'll even be published.
Here's the one that's published https://www.codewars.com/kata/5f882dcc272e7a00287743f5/
This code is added to Preloaded section:
It's been approved for only two days now and only has 2 times more completions but around 70 different solutions compared to 15 of this one.
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You forget that it's 7 kuy. As well as the other kata. They are made for beginners! And for beginner this one is much simpler that the other one.
There are plenty of katas for advanced coders like yourself, but these two are for beginners and there's a distinct difference between them if you're just starting to learn algorithms.
As far as I understand duplicates' solutions should work for each other. Otherwise it's just similar ideas which demand different solutions. Different solutions – different katas.
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