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    C translation, somewhat patched up, moved from duplicate kata JavaScript Array Filter. Please review.

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    • assertion messages are truncated: chai.config.truncateThreshold should be set to 0
    • the initial code is showcasing bad practice by assigning to an undeclared variable
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    Randomized testing in Haskell (and maybe other languages) can result in the following:

    Falsified (after 16 tests and 13 shrinks):

    The description lacks enough detail to determine sorting behavior between letters and characters whose ASCII value falls between the upper and lowercase letter ranges: [\]^_`

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    error: could not find `Cargo.toml` in `/workspace` or any parent directory, issue raised when try to test the code in Rust

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    For Java's actual tests the following warning comes up:

    Apr 14, 2023 7:57:51 AM org.junit.jupiter.engine.discovery.MethodSelectorResolver resolve
    WARNING: Possible configuration error: method [void SolutionTest.random_tests()] resulted in multiple TestDescriptors [org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.TestMethodTestDescriptor, org.junit.jupiter.engine.descriptor.TestTemplateTestDescriptor]. This is typically the result of annotating a method with multiple competing annotations such as @Test, @RepeatedTest, @ParameterizedTest, @TestFactory, etc.
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    Bro... I'm sure those kotlin random test got something wrong. In some cases it required more solutions but when I look close to the list of cards, none of them match anymore.

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    ( definitely JS, possibly Ruby, not Kotlin )

    Missing random tests

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    Example tests show

    # From Ruby 3.0, RSpec is used under the hood.
    # See
    # Defaults to the global `describe` for backwards compatibility, but `RSpec.desribe` works as well.
    describe "Example" do
      it "should return the sum" do
        expect(add(1, 1)).to eq(2)
        # The following is still supported, but new tests should now use them.
        # Test.assert_equals(add(1, 1), 2)

    Seen this in other ruby katas before. Seems to be a CW issue. Don't know when the last successful submittion was, but the last comment was 3 years ago.

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    I have a feeling this kata is broken. Unfortunately I can't see when this was successfully solved last time but having an unresolved issue for 4 years and only one comment 2 years ago are some indicators...

    The example test I get tests an add() function, which has nothing to do with the kata. When resetting the kata, the example test is empty. I tried writing my own tests and got a solution. Unfortunately I receive this when clicking attempt:

    main.rb:26:in `eval': no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer (TypeError)
    	from main.rb:8:in `block in get_value'
    	from main.rb:7:in `each'
    	from main.rb:7:in `get_value'
    	from (eval):1:in `test_equal'
    	from main.rb:26:in `eval'
    	from main.rb:26:in `test_equal'
    	from main.rb:35:in `<main>'

    All tests up to that went through. Also tried debugging the input values when the function gets called, but I do not get any values indicating another failing test.

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    This kata is a subject to deduplication process here:
    Please join the discussion to help us identify duplicate kata and retire them.

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    The python translation's random tests can test with zeros, but don't always, allowing solutions that don't handle zero correctly to pass. Zero inputs should be tested explicitly in the basic test cases. Fix

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