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    I have created a gravatar account with the very same email address, uploaded a picture, but i still see the default pic here at codewars. What am i missing?

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    Is there a way to see what my code is being tested against when i click on 'Submit'?

    I get errors out of the blue at different katas. Would be great to see the test code snippet belonging to each kata.

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    Yea, realized it meanwhile.. Regarding array manipulation, do you mean if i manipulated the input array of minMax method? Nope.

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    Thank you! Now i see what i did wrong.

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    Test runs are passing. However just as with some other katas i get arbitrary, not-helpful failure message when i try to submit.

    expected:<...m8c: mat'the; mat, s[a]t> but was:<...m8c: mat'the; mat, s[1]t>

    I mean, im just learning java and i get errors out of the blue...
    Any idea how can i skip this? Or how to solve if it cannot be skipped?

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