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    Thanks for the suggestion! Unfortunately, this doesn't appear to work for me. I was previously writing to stderr unbuffered, but writing to stdout and flushing also appears to produce no output. (And to be clear, I'm writing the inputs out immediately upon the function call, not after doing any sort of processing.)

    I suspect there isn't much I can do here.

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    I've passed all of the unit tests, but it appears that the random tests are timing out for me. AFAICT, there's no way to find out which specific test data is causing the timeout, right? I tried logging test cases to stderr, but it appears that when a test times out, Codewars just won't show the log for that test, unless I'm missing something. (When I explicitly fail a test, I do have the option to expand the log.)

    Certainly a fault of my algorithm, but it's hard to know what to benchmark without having solid examples (which are otherwise difficult to generate by hand). I'd love to be able to time profile a known failing test, because I really enjoyed working on this kata and I'd love to complete it.