"Turn a math formula into a program" is not a novel kata idea. On top of that, there're already several katas which include calculating interest (mostly compound IIRC), so it is possibly an exact duplicate of something.
didn't work on the following argument array: 10,93,79,16 - Expected actual value 10 to approximately equal expected value false (accepted relative error: 1e-9)
I don't understand.
Calculate how much the coding bootcamp will end up costing Ada,
If savings (93) exceeds fees (10), then why is expected result false
> Non numeric interest invalid - Expected actual value false to approximately equal expected value 210.2 (accepted relative error: 1e-9)
`interest` is **not** a `Number`.
Are you by any chance using `isFinite` instead of `Number.isFinite`, or similar ?
"Turn a math formula into a program" is not a novel kata idea. On top of that, there're already several katas which include calculating interest (mostly compound IIRC), so it is possibly an exact duplicate of something.
didn't work on the following argument array: 10,93,79,16 - Expected actual value 10 to approximately equal expected value false (accepted relative error: 1e-9)
I don't understand.
If savings (93) exceeds fees (10), then why is expected result
Input validation is not a novel concept.
Just don't.
From the static submit tests:
200 30 2 '3'