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    "Turn a math formula into a program" is not a novel kata idea. On top of that, there're already several katas which include calculating interest (mostly compound IIRC), so it is possibly an exact duplicate of something.

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    didn't work on the following argument array: 10,93,79,16 - Expected actual value 10 to approximately equal expected value false (accepted relative error: 1e-9)

    I don't understand.

    Calculate how much the coding bootcamp will end up costing Ada,

    If savings (93) exceeds fees (10), then why is expected result false

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    Input validation is not a novel concept.

    Just don't.

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    From the static submit tests:

    ▿ Interest is a number

    ▿ Log

    200 30 2 '3'

    > Non numeric interest invalid - Expected actual value false to approximately equal expected value 210.2 (accepted relative error: 1e-9)
    `interest` is **not** a `Number`.
    Are you by any chance using `isFinite` instead of `Number.isFinite`, or similar ?
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    didn't work on the following argument array: 56,3,23,7 - Expected: '141.32999999999998', instead got: '141.33'