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    Ditto, I was like wtf.... almost thought it was python for a moment

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    Thank you for replying. I had a typo of for pissing about. I had pissing about as 24 instead of 25. Sorry about that.

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    I quickly added up @ivoryblakk's first example score and got a 100.

    tim: 'IS',                8
    jim: 'cleaning',          4
    randy: 'trading',         6
    sandy: 'accounts',        1
    andy: 'trading',          6
    katie: 'pissing about',   25
    laura: 'change',          6
    saajid: 'trading',        6
    alex: 'canteen',          10
    john: 'pissing about',    25
    mr: 'regulation'          3

    8 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 25 + 6 + 6 + 10 + 25 + 3 = 100

    So I think your maths went wrong at some point ;)

    I just tested my JS solution and it's working fine.

    And @ChrisWatkins, what language are you using? The last test doesn't make sense, since 3x 'pissing about' is already close to over 80. Could it be that you're mutating the input object?

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    Have had the same issue as above, with many tests.

    So far consistently getting 20-30 failed tests per run.

    Manually spot checking tests has shown my solution to get the correct response, yet the test still fails.

    { tim: 'finance',
    jim: 'regulation',
    randy: 'regulation',
    sandy: 'pissing about',
    andy: 'trading',
    katie: 'finance',
    laura: 'regulation',
    saajid: 'retail',
    alex: 'IS',
    john: 'pissing about',
    mr: 'trading' }

    It should work for random inputs too - Expected: 'kill me now', instead got: 'i can handle this'

    TOTAL: 88 - return 'i can handle this'

    { tim: 'accounts',
    jim: 'IS',
    randy: 'cleaning',
    sandy: 'IS',
    andy: 'IS',
    katie: 'pissing about',
    laura: 'regulation',
    saajid: 'retail',
    alex: 'change',
    john: 'pissing about',
    mr: 'pissing about' }

    It should work for random inputs too - Expected: 'kill me now', instead got: 'party time!!'

    TOTAL: 118 - return 'party time!!'

    Ran a test using the below code;

    function boredom(staff){ return 'kill me now' }

    All randomised tests passed - 2 failures from sample tests which appear to run correctly.

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    It think the totals were miscalculated for each of the test cases listed below in javascript.
    I haved check the math and wrote the total above the objects
    Based on your rules

    <=80: 'kill me now'
    < 100 & > 80: 'i can handle this'
    100 or over: 'party time!!'

    total = 98
    { tim: 'IS',
    jim: 'cleaning',
    randy: 'trading',
    sandy: 'accounts',
    andy: 'trading',
    katie: 'pissing about',
    laura: 'change',
    saajid: 'trading',
    alex: 'canteen',
    john: 'pissing about',
    mr: 'regulation' }
    Expected: 'party time!!', instead got: 'i can handle this'

    The total is 98! It should not be over 100.

    total = 98
    { tim: 'retail',
    jim: 'change',
    randy: 'cleaning',
    sandy: 'pissing about',
    andy: 'pissing about',
    katie: 'retail',
    laura: 'IS',
    saajid: 'finance',
    alex: 'IS',
    john: 'trading',
    mr: 'change' }
    It should work for random inputs too - Expected: 'party time!!', instead got: 'i can handle this'

    total = 99
    { tim: 'IS',
    jim: 'change',
    randy: 'trading',
    sandy: 'cleaning',
    andy: 'pissing about',
    katie: 'regulation',
    laura: 'regulation',
    saajid: 'IS',
    alex: 'pissing about',
    john: 'retail',
    mr: 'IS' }
    The total is 99
    It should work for random inputs too - Expected: 'party time!!', instead got: 'i can handle this'

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    Lazy is looking at all kinds of tests instead of thinking about all the cases when the problem is already completely defined. (It's not that the tests must not be added, but they don't have to.)

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    You need to add more sample cases. You are wasting people's time by not adding

    Test.assertEquals(LCS("anothertest","notatest") , "nottest);

    Your Kata is just making alot of people frustrated. Having only 2 test shown is lazy.

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    I was trying to get this but I took the repetitive way.