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    Sorry but can't assist you here as i haven't published any kata to know how this works.. What i can see is that the issue is in the TDD in the following extract:

    describe :items do
    it "should return 3 items" do
    expect(results.count).to eq 3

    If you change to eq 3 to another number then it changes the number of rows expected when testing.

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    Hello it seems that some of the currently posted solutions when you unlock the solutions section for this kata are no longer valid to solve the kata due to the limit of amount of rows should be 3 in the final solution. Can you please adjust that or specify if the solutions provided are wrong and the final result set rows should be just 3 or the conditions for solving the kata are of?

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    I am sorry to say it's still not working for me .. :/


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    Every single query is failing with error PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "currency" does not exist
    I have tried skiping this kata and coming back to it but it is still failing.. Please fix this cata or remove it since its failing..
    If you so strongly believe it is a problem with the server please post a screencapture of this cata working fine after by making a simple select * from currency querry and proving to us it works fine.
