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i think this solution is best practice
There are a small number of speeches (5) to solve for this kata.
They are uniquely identified by the number n = 1,2,3,4,5.
(I'll add this info to the Kata description)
What's the mean of the parameter n?
I like this idea too. the code is very clean
Oh.. God.. I see very clever solution and relize that i'm stupid.. I'm going to drown myself by stuffing myhead into toilet
What the... I neet to drown myself by stuffing my head into toilet..
What the.. clever code I saw repeat method for the first time. Thank you
this is art..
This is a regular expression, make a reasearch online and you'll find out. Please use a spoiler flag when you're giving elements of a solution, included on the solution page, comments are visible by everyone.
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i think this solution is best practice
There are a small number of speeches (5) to solve for this kata.
They are uniquely identified by the number
= 1,2,3,4,5.(I'll add this info to the Kata description)
What's the mean of the parameter n?
I like this idea too. the code is very clean
Oh.. God.. I see very clever solution and relize that i'm stupid..
I'm going to drown myself by stuffing myhead into toilet
What the... I neet to drown myself by stuffing my head into toilet..
What the.. clever code I saw repeat method for the first time. Thank you
this is art..
This is a regular expression, make a reasearch online and you'll find out. Please use a spoiler flag when you're giving elements of a solution, included on the solution page, comments are visible by everyone.
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