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    Ruby should be updated to v3 (new test framework) + needs random tests

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    I'm not sure but , did the tests checked things like "" ,"5:20PM" "1+2=3","$13.20","12/01/2023","Error" (by the way Error is ........).
    One more thing : in Morse code there is operations such: Start of emission , end of emission , Break, Closing,,Understood, Wait and more

    I think the Kata would be better if it includes thoses too

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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled.

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    Some languages do not have random tests.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Ruby, as noted below :

    • random generator, on rare occasion will generate strings of spaces between words and expects them to be preserved

    This isn't consistent across all languages.

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    Needs random tests

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    What are the color values?

    This kata is extremely under-specified. We can only guess what the rules of the fibonacci clock actually are.

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    Finding triangle area from 3 given points is a duplicate.

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    A building will fall if the magnitude of the earthquake is greater than the strength of the building.

    The most popular solution tests for greater than or equal to instead of greater than.

    You should either update the description or invalidate older solutions by adding a test case that has the magnitude equal to the strength of the building.

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    Random test cases required.