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    Hi everyone
    I have a weird issue in the kotlin version of this kata - as soon as I submit my code it times out even if I return null instantly.

    object FluxPuzzle {
        fun mazeSolver(r: Array<IntArray>): Array<String>? {
            return null

    Sometimes the code does not time out when I return a constant array:

    object FluxPuzzle {
        fun mazeSolver(r: Array<IntArray>): Array<String>? {
            return arrayOf("NNE", "EE", "S", "SS")
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    I have the same question, but I still haven't figured it out. What do you mean by "the output is inside a loop"?

    Never mind I get it

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    Nevermind I oversaw that the output is inside a loop.

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    Hi fellows

    I have a question:
    Second test case in go expects as output 'Codewars\xff' . How can the output be 'Codewars\xff' if the boolfuck code contains only eight commands for outputting the bit under the pointer to the output stream (;) ? As per my understanding the output would then contain only one character (converted from the eight outputet bits) - what am I missing?

    Thanks in advance :)