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    Thanks for building interesting kata, keep it up mate :)

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    The main problem is that the idea of the kata itself is just bad, actually ("bad" as "bad for a kata"). What makes the things worse is that you're patching the holes along the way, meaning you actually didn't create the kata with a clear mind about what it implies to create something like this, and it and just "proves" (in a way) that the idea is bad. I agree that the original idea is kinda funny, but you'll waste sweat and blood, trying to enforce ~~any-~~everything to get there, especially in JS, while at the same time, if you actually succeed at enforcing this special solution, most users will have a pretty bad expeirence at finding how to solve it.

    As you can see (I hope), this kind of problem is more a lost cause than anything, when it comes to make a kata out of it.


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    -4 * 4 != 16. You're not supposed to convert all numbers to positive.

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    Your code can't even pass the sample tests, so...