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    Seeing same thing on Clojure side

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    Thanks for looking into this, Abbe. I'm no longer seeing this problem.

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    I'm not sure if I'm missing something, or there's a problem with the generated test cases. Here are a few generated test case inputs that look to be expecting "true".

    (is-merge "mrg it? Ys, can!" "rei? Yes, a" "mg tcn!")
    (is-merge "it? Yes, wcn!" "t? s, cn" "iYewe !")

    I would expect these to return "false", but maybe I'm not understanding something...

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    Speaking on the Clojure version of this kata, I'm having problems getting this test to pass for large n. Locally, my tests pass without running out of heap.

    I created a test for n=77911, and the test passes no problem locally, but I'm met with a "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" when running on codewars.

    Could this have something to do with how the JVM is configured? If so, do the non-JVM versions of this kata have similar restrictions?

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    @g964: does it makes sense to update the Instructions with this information?

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    Having problems with kata in Clojure.

    Testing for (sq-in-rect 240 2).

    My answer results in [87 10 3 1 1], but expected answer is [32 32 32 32 32 32 32 16 16].

    Both answers result in the same sum of their squares: 7680. Why aren't both answers accepted?

    Test output:

    Test 6 expected: (= (sq-in-rect 240 32) [32 32 32 32 32 32 32 16 16]) - actual: (not (= (87 10 3 1 1) [32 32 32 32 32 32 32 16 16]))