
Welcome! This kata will allow you to explore Newton's laws of motion through code. Newton's laws of motion are fundamental principles that describe how objects move in the presence of external forces. This exercise is designed to help you better understand Newton's laws and apply them in a practical context.

You will recieve all the parameters through int arrays of size 4 like this:

[null, 100, 110, 120] Force

[130, null, 140, 150] Radius

[160, 170, null, 180] Mass 1

[190, 200, 210, null] Mass 2

You will have to find out and replace all nulls with their respective value using Newton's laws of motion. So the objective of this kata is to find the unknown value in the formula:


Use the formula and values with all decimals, don't round anything up or the value won't be correct (use the gravity constant as it is don't try rounding it up).

You will apply the formula index by index meaning index F[0] in the Force array will be placed in the formula with index 0 from the other 3 arrays (r[0], mass1[0] and mass2[0]), the same with index 1, 2 and 3.

All values will be correct, there will be no negatives, zeros or insanely big values.

The output will be a Double type Array with the 4 values in order. Meaning that index 0 will be the Force, index 1 will be the radius, index 2 will be mass 1 and index 3 will be mass 2.

  • import java.lang.Math;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Kata{
      final static double g = 6.674*Math.pow(10,-11);
      public static double[] newton(Integer[] force, Integer[] radius, Integer[] mass1, Integer[] mass2){
    		  double[] result = new double[4];
          for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){
            if(force[i] == null){
              if(radius[i]==null || mass1[i]==null|| mass2[i]==null){
                result[i] = (g*mass1[i]*mass2[i])/Math.pow(radius[i],2); 
            }else if(radius[i] == null){
              if(force[i]==null || mass1[i]==null|| mass2[i]==null){
                 result[i] = Math.sqrt((g * mass1[i] * mass2[i]) / force[i]);
            }else if(mass1[i] == null){
              if(force[i]==null || radius[i]==null|| mass2[i]==null){
                 result[i] = (force[i]*Math.pow(radius[i],2))/(g*mass2[i]);
            }else if(mass2[i] == null){
              if(force[i]==null || radius[i]==null|| mass1[i]==null){
                 result[i] = (force[i]*Math.pow(radius[i],2))/(g*mass1[i]);
              result[i] = 0;
    		  return result;        
    • import java.lang.Math;
    • import java.util.*;
    • public class Kata{
    • final static double g = 6.674*Math.pow(10,-11);
    • public static double[] newton(Integer[] f, Integer[] r, Integer[] m1, Integer[] m2){
    • public static double[] newton(Integer[] force, Integer[] radius, Integer[] mass1, Integer[] mass2){
    • double[] result = new double[4];
    • double g = 6.674*Math.pow(10,-11);
    • result[0] = (g*m1[0]*m2[0])/Math.pow(r[0],2);
    • result[1] = Math.sqrt((g * m1[1] * m2[1]) / f[1]);
    • result[2] = (f[2]*Math.pow(r[2],2))/(g*m2[2]);
    • result[3] = (f[3]*Math.pow(r[3],2))/(g*m1[3]);
    • for(int i = 0; i<4; i++){
    • if(force[i] == null){
    • if(radius[i]==null || mass1[i]==null|| mass2[i]==null){
    • result[i]=-1;
    • }else{
    • result[i] = (g*mass1[i]*mass2[i])/Math.pow(radius[i],2);
    • }
    • }else if(radius[i] == null){
    • if(force[i]==null || mass1[i]==null|| mass2[i]==null){
    • result[i]=-1;
    • }else{
    • result[i] = Math.sqrt((g * mass1[i] * mass2[i]) / force[i]);
    • }
    • }else if(mass1[i] == null){
    • if(force[i]==null || radius[i]==null|| mass2[i]==null){
    • result[i]=-1;
    • }else{
    • result[i] = (force[i]*Math.pow(radius[i],2))/(g*mass2[i]);
    • }
    • }else if(mass2[i] == null){
    • if(force[i]==null || radius[i]==null|| mass1[i]==null){
    • result[i]=-1;
    • }else{
    • result[i] = (force[i]*Math.pow(radius[i],2))/(g*mass1[i]);
    • }
    • }else{
    • result[i] = 0;
    • }
    • }
    • return result;
    • }
    • }

Given 4 Integer Arrays with size 4 like this:

[null, 100, 110, 120] Force

[130, null, 140, 150] Radius

[160, 170, null, 180] Mass 1

[190, 200, 210, null] Mass 2

You will have to find out and replace all nulls with their respective value using Newton's laws of motion.


You will apply the formula index by index meaning index F[0] array will be placed in the formula with index 0 from the other 3 arrays (r[0], mass1[0] and mass2[0]), the same with index 1, 2 and 3.

All values will be correct, there will be no negatives or insanely big values.

The output will be a Double type Array with the 4 values in order. Meaning that index 0 will be the Force, index 1 will be the radius, index 2 will be mass 1 and index 3 will be mass 2.

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.*;
public class Kata{
  public static double[] newton(Integer[] f, Integer[] r, Integer[] m1, Integer[] m2){
		  double[] result = new double[4];
		  double g = 6.674*Math.pow(10,-11);
		  result[0] = (g*m1[0]*m2[0])/Math.pow(r[0],2);
		  result[1] = Math.sqrt((g * m1[1] * m2[1]) / f[1]);
		  result[2] = (f[2]*Math.pow(r[2],2))/(g*m2[2]);
		  result[3] = (f[3]*Math.pow(r[3],2))/(g*m1[3]);
		  return result;