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    oh yeah, as you can see in the pseudocode, I had a bit of a different solution in mind at first, but I changed it up. I never cleaned it up.

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    You declared the 'sum' identifier, but never used it.

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    Though my solution can be considered 'bad code'

    It was easy. This should be 8kyu

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  • Default User Avatar

    Nice Kata!

  • Custom User Avatar

    30 minutes spent cuz didnt see that last star should also have \n

  • Default User Avatar

    good kata for learning things about chains

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    When your result looks like the expected one, but still fails, it is helpful to print your string between delimiters and escape whitespace characters.

    For your situation:

    String s = sb.toString();
    for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
        char ch = s.charAt(i);
        System.out.print(ch == '\n' ? "\\n" : Character.toString(ch));

    for n = 1, this prints:

    "*\n \n"

    while the expected answer is:


  • Default User Avatar

    The problem comes from your code. You are casting a negative number to usize, which results in a really big unsigned number. And then you use this number as the bound in a loop in which you allocate memory, hence the allocation failure.

    Return null/nil/None/... if the input is an even number or negative, as it is not possible to print a diamond of even or negative size.

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    My Rust solution should work, but adding the appropriately placed newline characters gives this result. This only pops up when the answer is correct - if I add a newline character at the start of the string, the test fails and no error occurs.

    memory allocation of 9223372036854775806 bytes failed

    Caused by:
    process didn't exit successfully: /workspace/target/debug/deps/challenge-07bd72047d917620 --show-output -Z unstable-options --format json (signal: 6, SIGABRT: process abort signal)

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    This one really took a toll on me! TvT

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Thank you so much for your sugestion! I rewrote the code with an empty array concating other arrays and it worked:)

  • Default User Avatar

    try your code with a string that has no 'a', but that has other vowels


    • you can print the input to debug your code (e.g. console.log(str);)
    • use markdown formatting when you post code
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