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    It's definitely a simple kata, but could be one that allows users to explore various solutions if they choose.

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    If it's a simple kata, then it can be rated accordingly. Some users may find benefit in repeating this one multiple times and trying to improve their sort/matching methods with each iteration. I don't find this kata's difficulty as an, 'issue.'

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    In the Go translation, the argument repititions is spelled incorrectly, it should be repetitions.

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    The Go translation doesn't correctly start with package kata and the sample tests don't work but the official submission does

    Test Results:
    Build Failed
    # codewarrior/kata_test
    ./kata_test.go:9: imported and not used: "codewarrior/kata"
    ./kata_test.go:13: undefined: multipleOfIndex
    ./kata_test.go:14: undefined: multipleOfIndex
    ./kata_test.go:15: undefined: multipleOfIndex
    ./kata_test.go:16: undefined: multipleOfIndex
    ./kata_test.go:17: undefined: multipleOfIndex
    ./kata_test.go:18: undefined: multipleOfIndex
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    Go doesn't use snake case variables or function names so duplicate_count should actually be duplicateCount. Also, the input argument is s1 but should really be s as there's no s0 or anything along those lines.