Rust: Random tests never generate complex expressions (with consecutive operators) nor negative numeric tokens. I think this is feasible and not too hard (see the tests I implemented in Go and Python).
I concur with all the others requesting that this kata be removed. I tried many things, finally gave up and looked at other coder's solutions. I pressed "Train Again" and tried several of these and could not get any to be accepted. I do not know how the other's got their code to pass, it will not pass again. It is reported that the original author is no longer active, so best to just remove this
The issue may be ironically related to the "strict mode", possibly arguments.callee.caller?
While I enjoyed investigating, this kata seems broken and will unnecessarily frustrate new users and/or people starting JavaScript (8kyu).
If the fix is not possible for some reason, the author appears inactive for one, is there any way to make this issue more clear to them? At least so that they won't blame themselves?
Some details:
Node v0.10.33: TypeError: Illegal access to a strict mode caller function.
Node v6.6.0: TypeError: Cannot read property 'caller' of null
Looks like "Is a Prime?" had a similar/same issue caused by CodeWars change.
Not sure how soon changes are reflected here, but "/runner/frameworks/javascript/cw-2.js" had a major change on 2016-07-31 and @kaminobenzene reported this issue 4 months ago (2016-08?).
This kata's sensei (@jbuddha) is inactive. Last seen Jul 2016.
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Go translation
Rust: Random tests never generate complex expressions (with consecutive operators) nor negative numeric tokens. I think this is feasible and not too hard (see the tests I implemented in Go and Python).
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Fix broken test cases or remove this kata.
Hello??? Anyone out there?!??
This Kata is not working.
Having issues with correct code and the following test specs
use strict line should not be removed
return str line should not be removed
It need to be deleted or edited ASAP
I concur with all the others requesting that this kata be removed. I tried many things, finally gave up and looked at other coder's solutions. I pressed "Train Again" and tried several of these and could not get any to be accepted. I do not know how the other's got their code to pass, it will not pass again. It is reported that the original author is no longer active, so best to just remove this
Error involving "use strict";
Does not work. Please remove this kata.
Fix the Kata so we can fix the program ;)
Of course... it is not working :(
The issue may be ironically related to the "strict mode", possibly
?While I enjoyed investigating, this kata seems broken and will unnecessarily frustrate new users and/or people starting JavaScript (8kyu).
If the fix is not possible for some reason, the author appears inactive for one, is there any way to make this issue more clear to them? At least so that they won't blame themselves?
Some details:
TypeError: Illegal access to a strict mode caller function.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'caller' of null
edit: changed label to "Issue"
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