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    I got the same problem. What is this crap?

  • Default User Avatar

    I found out the solution, when i unlocked the solutions of this kata. You need to return more than just resultObj. You shoud return {factor: resultObj}

  • Default User Avatar

    I am puzzled by this as well. At the time of 21st hour the alcohol level should be exactly 0, but the test cases are looking for a time that's at least 1 minute ahead of that.

  • Custom User Avatar

    (In JS) I am getting my returned result as undefined even though I am logging the correct result right before I return the object. Ideas?

  • Custom User Avatar

    Hi in the description and the sample tests it shows that:
    eg. drive([[10.0,100]], "20:00", "21:00") and it must return [1.0, false]

    I'm confused as to why it should return false as it takes 1 hour (20:00 to 21:00) to get rid of 1 unit.
    Thanks in advance!