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    Thank you! I didn't know that.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I find it odd that the top-rated solution would include the code

    (1..number-1). # ... do something; this shouldn't be a spoiler

    rather than

    (1...number). # ... do something

    Notwithstanding my reply to Salvador Dali above, I believe that any even apprentice-level Ruby developer should know the difference between the two-dot range specifier (x up to y) and the three-dot specifier (x up to but not including y).

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    The wise programmer balances machine efficiency with developer clarity. One can write a C-like program in Ruby inscrutable to everyone but the original developer, and often even him after a good night's rest. If you want to write "high-level assembler" code, write in C. If you want to write eloquent, clear prose-as-code that will be understandable to and appreciated by all versed in the language, that happens to be executable by most decent interpreters/VMs, then by all means write in Ruby.

    The Number One requirement for each of our open positions is "Candidate must demonstrate fluency and literacy in the English language, including understanding of simile and metaphor." That comes before Ruby experience, before high-reliability experience, before anything else.

    If you think about that for a moment and still don't understand why, I'd question the effectiveness of the teams you work with.