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    Anyone? The random tests I'm seeing seem to be massively complex with special characters that aren't captured by the description at all.

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    Thank you, I think adding that will help others with focusing on the problem at hand instead of strange behavior due to unintended string multiplication.

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    There are not many PS people at CW so let us be kind:
    I modified the signature from:

    function prod-2-sum($a, $b, $c, $d)


    function prod-2-sum([int]$a, [int]$b, [int]$c, [int]$d)


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    If you take my exact solution and you remove the [int] type casting I added to the parameters of the function, then the tests fail. One of the tests passes values of:

    $a = 1; $b = 20; $c = -4; $d = -5

    Apparently when you pass those values in and try to perform this arithmetic:

    $n = (($a * $a) + ($b * $b)) * (($c * $c) + ($d * $d))

    ... to solve for the value of n it fails with this error:

    Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: times

    This is the same error you get if you crack open PowerShell and try to multiply a negative integer (represented as a string) by a negative integer (represented as a string):

    PS C:\> '-4' * '-4'
    Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.
    Parameter name: times
    At line:1 char:1
    + '-4' * '-4'
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : OperationStopped: (:) [], ArgumentOutOfRangeException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException
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    In PowerShell I had to cast the parameters as [int], otherwise when they were passed as negative numbers they were being treated as string

    Who treated them as strings? Negative numbers are [int] and they were passed as negative numbers; frankly I don't understand your problem.

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    In PowerShell I had to cast the parameters as [int], otherwise when they were passed as negative numbers they were being treated as strings. This was a very stupid problem to have to solve.

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    This is with PowerShell

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    You should mention the language you're having that problem. Those inputs seem weird.

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    Read the error message, it tells you exactly with which input your code is failing and it's not possible your code works with that input.

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    And how in the world is a result of PI incorrect when a string of -_P_i is provided?

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    How in the world is a result of )${ incorrect when a string of --)-$-{ is provided?

    I feel as though all of these various whitespace and special character scenarios that are rampant in the random tests are insufficiently covered in the description and sample cases.