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    Fixed in this fork

    • Corrected the test message.

    • Increased the number of random tests.

    • Adjusted the random values to balance the probabilities of True and False results happening in the random test (previously ~87% False).

    • Amended language agnosticism in the description

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    My solution may be flawed, but the tests are as well. See the error messages from the test logs (example from above):

    Need 1966 reds, 1284 greens and 1881 blues.
    Got  2595 reds, 2535 greens and 3705 blues.
    True should equal False

    "need" < "got" for all colors, still True should equal False ?!

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Something occasionally wrong with Python tests. Examples:

    input: [['417e73', '413213', 'cc8592', '357d2c', '5722b8'], ['f64387', 'd9264d', 'f81e3f', '622dc5', '094f59'], ['82f59d', 'aeb41f', '5319e6', 'ad16d8', '7255b2']] 2595 2535 3705
    Need 1966 reds, 1284 greens and 1881 blues. Got 2595 reds, 2535 greens and 3705 blues.: True should equal False
    input: [['74d82c', '444817', 'b86e00', '9831bb', '3e767e'], ['0c2d81', 'a0a8f1', '881f29', '870dca', '1d8082']] 1530 1470 2060
    Need 1054 reds, 950 greens and 1123 blues. Got 1530 reds, 1470 greens and 2060 blues.: True should equal False
    input: [['7e8c1e', 'eedbce'], ['9e0130', 'bf8f89'], ['970b13', '7d4396'], ['87ca9d', 'be7bde'], ['5a2b97', 'cd98b4'], ['d163d2', 'd7abbb']] 2436 1488 2676
    Need 2033 reds, 1371 greens and 1697 blues. Got 2436 reds, 1488 greens and 2676 blues.: True should equal False
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    Link to rank assessment breakdown is
    Current state is: 10 x 7kyu, 10 x 6kyu, 1 x 5 kyu.

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    Thank you! I add it right now!

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    Thank you, now it seems obvious indeed !

    I have added a suggestion to add an example to make it a bit clearer if some other people also have trouble understanding this.

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    I think the link between color codes and units of ink needed would be a bit clearer with one more example. I suggest something like:

    A pixel with the color code 'fefdfc' need 1 unit of Red, 2 units of Green and 3 units of Blue.
    A pixel with the color code '00ff01' need 255 units of Red, 0 units of Green and 254 units of Blue.

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    It's in hexa. FF means 255 it's the max, FE means 254 its FF minus 1.

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    I am having trouble understanding the link between the color codes and the units of ink used. Could you help me with that ?

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    Thank you! I just made the edit. Can you check if it's ok?

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    errr, actually, the problem below hasn't been handled properly. You have to replace all the 256 in the random tests by 255 (because you use randint instead of randrange)


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    True but I don't want to overcomplicate it. That may be a cool other kata to make.

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