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    Solution setup missing import for Fraction

    Tests need updating to use new framework etc.

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    I agree with your suggestion. I've now changed the output type, updated the description, and notified the three authors whose solutions were invalidated.

    Technically, the kata is now ready to be approved, but perhaps we should wait for a few more solutions and rank votes. Average assessed rank is 4kyu, but one could argue that the handling of root multiplicities pushes this closer to 3kyu territory.

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    Just my opinion, but given such low solve count (and the fact it's still in Beta) I'd suggest to apply this change, and leave a comment under each solution to notify and encourage them to re-submit.

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    It was a really nice kata. Unfortunately, the author hasn't been around since December 2022. I could change the output type from float to Fraction, but it would invalidate all existing five solution (including the author's). I'm not sure what the best way to proceed is.

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    I fixed the description to reflect this requirement.

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    Very nice idea!!

    But since Python has support for it, the output should a list of rationals

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    It should be mentioned in the description that you may need to include the same zero multiple times in the result. I assume the task was just to find rational zeros, without caring for their multiplicities.

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    Just getting started, but I did not see a mention of what degree the polynomials would be. I assume only deg <= 2 by the test cases?

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    Added random tests with more complicated rational roots and a more complex multiplicity test (the random tests also include examples with complex multiplicities)

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    • Needs random tests
    • Needs polynomials that returns more complicated rational roots (e.g 1/7, or something like 50/1001)
    • Needs more sophisticated tests on multiplicities (e.g polynomial with roots [0,0,1])