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    GUIg: you're confusing the error message meaning and without the input value there isn't much we can do to help you. Starting with 507992495, all rotations are these

    507992495, 79924955, 99249557, 92495579, 92955794, 92957945, 92959457, 92959574, 92959547, 92959547

    You can see 507992495 itself is the max value there.

    Random Tests: expected 277415286 to equal 826774152

    The first value in the error message is what your function returned, not the input value, to see that value, you should print it yourself.

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    in typescript I have the same problem:
    Fixed Tests: expected 99249557 to equal 507992495
    Random Tests: expected 277415286 to equal 826774152
    277415286 gives the following sequence: [277415286, 774152862, 741528627, 745286271, 745862712, 745827126, 745821267, 745821672, 745821627, 745821627]

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    Same problem :c

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    Same problem :/

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    Thanks for your answer!

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    Please could you post exactly the output of the test?
    99249557 gives the following sequence: [99249557, 92495579, 94955792, 94557929, 94579295, 94572959, 94572599, 94572599] so your answer is not the good one which in this case is the number itself.
    Lots of guys (and a few of them excellent programmers) passed the kata without problem. I think you forgot to consider the number itself.
    As for the answer 507992495I can't understand where it comes from.
    Tell me please if you succeed with the small modification.

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    I get in random tests (python): 99249557 should equal 507992495
    99249557 has 8 digits
    507992495 has 9 digits

    my code claims that max is 94955792

    All other random tests did pass. Is there a problem with this specific test?