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    I believe this solution works due to incomplete test cases. Like [0,1,2,2,4] will return a true when it should not.

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    I don't know who made this Kata for Java, but you are a psycho! XD
    I remember doing this kata in python and it was waaay easier to fix.
    Java version have at least 5 times more errors! ><

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    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

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    Got it... thank you for that

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    When the CAPS key has been pressed, uppercase gets swapped with lowercase and vice versa.

    As for the error messages, they don't show the input, only what is expected and what they got from your solution.

    You can view the input by trying to print to the console.

    BTW, you should look through some other comments to see if anyone has had the same problem in the past.

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    The basic three examples pass with my solution. But the random tests (for Python) seem really messed up.
    For example, why should 'BBBbB' equal 'BBbbB'? There should be no change in the output string because there is no 'a' or 'A' in the string. Therefore the CAPS key is never pressed. There are dozens of these unless I am misunderstanding the problem.
    Another example: 'ONCSQ1DuddDnOXY' should equal 'OnCSq1DuddDnOxy'. What???

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    exact copy of my solution!

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    JS: As others have pointed out, the input should not be null

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    I managed to solve it thanks to your comment (which is obviously a direct answer to the kata lol). Still i don't understand why on step 4, "B" stays "B" when we just turned off caps on step 3.

    edit: nevermind I have figured it out, thank you !

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    Individual letters' case matters:

    1. "a" turns caps on
    2. "b" becomes "B" (lowercase + caps = uppercase)
    3. "A" turns caps off
    4. "B" stays "B" (uppercase = uppercase)
    5. "a" turns caps on
    6. "B" becomes "b" (uppercase + caps = lowercase)
    7. etc.
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    I don't understand why fatFingers('abABaBabAb') should return 'BBbbB' and not 'BbBbB'.
    While reading other comments i see people referring to the shift key but there is nowhere specified that the guy would press this key ???
    Either i misunderstood the kata or it's just not clear enough... Anyone can clarify please ?

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    i have the same exact code... but it gives me the "int to double is lossy" error. Im just confused at this point.

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