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    Beautiful. I couldn't figure out if these were supposed to somehow indicate coordinates but this clarifies my confusion I think

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    That really helped me, Thanks!

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    The numbers determine which numbers in the array returned have been replaced by the words, based on divisibility. If no arguments are given, the defaults are equivalent to fizz_buzz_custom('Fizz', 'Buzz', 3, 5).

    In the examples given, fizz_buzz_custom[44] returns "FizzBuzz" because the 45th element of an array of numbers from 1 to 100 is 45, and 45 is divisible by both of the default numbers (3 and 5).

    If we pass in different arguments, for example fizz_buzz_custom("What's ", "up?", 3, 7)[2], this should return the 3rd element in the array of 1 to 100, where numbers in that array which are divisible by 3 have been replaced by "What's ", numbers in that array which are divisible by 7 are replaced by "up?", and numbers which are divisible by both are replaced with "What's up?". Since the 3rd element in an array of 1 through 100 is 3, which is divisible by 3 (the 3rd argument), this will return "What's ".

    Does that help to clarify?

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    Super confused about what the two number parameters are supposed to do exactly. Can somebody please clarify what we're supposed to do with them? Thanks!