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    Although, i like your solution.
    But i have a question. Is it good practice to right this type of code?
    I mean this is not so readable and understandable as compare to basic if else, but it will be efficient i guess.
    My main question is where we use these type of logics where we can use if else? What is the benefit? How they help in industry ?

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    Oh! Thanks for quick reply. Working now :)

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    Got 'undefinedEundefined', expected 'E'
    Got 'undefined E Eundefined', expected 'E E'

    Can anyone help me out, What decodes to undefined in morse code? This is only happening in more complex tests i have passed all the above tests.

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    You can bake a basic cake is using the following ingredients

    You can bake a basic cake by using the following ingredients