  • Custom User Avatar

    This tripped me up too. While it's true the initial number was considered in the description, I also didn't interpret it that way. No worries.

  • Default User Avatar

    In the future, look at the top of the page where you can see that more than 900 guys passed the kata. If a test was wrong somebody would have seen that, no?-)

  • Default User Avatar

    Sorry for misunderstanding. I've missed the word "greatest". Thank you.

  • Default User Avatar

    There are no error in the tests, sorry. How do you have negative numbers?

  • Custom User Avatar

    Same problem :/

  • Default User Avatar

    Hello, can you please fix test cases.

    Wrong :
    testing(MaxRotate.maxRot(38458215), 85821534);

    Right answer is - 85254183

  • Default User Avatar

    Print the input.

  • Custom User Avatar

    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

  • Default User Avatar

    Sure, it's there, but it's very easy to miss. No harm in making it more clear, right?

  • Default User Avatar

    Look at the example in the description:

    56789 -> 67895 -> 68957 -> 68579 -> 68597 and you must return the greatest: 68957.

    You clearly see that the initial number 56789 is considered.

  • Default User Avatar

    I think the description should changed to explicitly state that your code should consider "n" itself when returning the largest number. It's very frustrating to write a solution that passes all of the initial tests, and then fails on some of the random tests - especially for newer programmers.