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    Is there a way to see the random MiniStringFuck test that my program can't interpret? I don't really understand what I'm supposed to fix if I can't see the error in question.

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    Yes, I see where my mistake was. Thanks for your patience. I'm fairly dense most days and this just goes to show it. Passed all tests. Thank you.

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    I know that much already. My code accounts for a random starting and ending location, not fixed locations. Here's the issue. For this maze:

    maze = [[1,1,1,1,1,1,1],

    The answer to this line:

    Test.assert_equals(maze_runner(maze,["N","N","N","N","N","E","E","E","E","E","W","W"]), "Finish")

    should be "Lost", not "Finish". This is one of the test cases when I push the "RUN EXAMPLES" button. But because I can see the test case, I can fix your bug so my code will run correctly.

    However, when I hit the "ATTEMPT" button, I pass all the random tests (with random sized grids and random start/end locations). But there is one non-random test that I get this output from:

    Should return Finish - Expected: "Finish", instead got: "Lost"

    It's the seventh test case, just before the program is run through a bunch of random test cases.

    I'm wondering if, like in the test case I have above, this other test case should be fixed also. I can't see the test cases after pressing the "ATTEMPT" button so I can't verify that it really is an error. I just find it highly suspicious that I can pass every other test, including random tests with random start and end points, but I can't pass that one.

    I'm asking you to review all the test cases to make sure that you didn't accidently put the wrong outcome.

    Does that make sense?

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    For Ruby, I'm passing every single random test and all but one test case. For the last test case (non-random) I get:

    Should return Finish - Expected: "Finish", instead got: "Lost"

    Are you sure this isn't a typo?

    I noticed on the first round of test cases, the third test case should be "Lost", but it instead wants "Finish".

    Test.assert_equals(maze_runner(maze,["N","N","N","N","N","E","E","E","E","E","W","W"]), "Finish")

    But that's impossible for it to be 'Finish' when the finish line is on the very 'east' side of the maze! Please correct both the sample test case and the final test case when clicking submit.