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    Please, change the nomenclatures of the problem from C# to the standard ones for public attributes (PascalCase), same as methods

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    Congrats! I also liked multiplication of strings as numbers together with variations, i wonder if there are about long division, but i already know that division is going to be hard...

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    I figured it out, so the input is an array [] even though I was expecting an array inside an array and since I was indexing the second array which didnt exist it caused my issue.

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    I have no clue what I am doing wrong on random_tests it keeps complaining about length being 0 but I dont know why its 0, does that mean its empty so I should return an empty vec but its not working still, Im so confused language RUST.

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    Recomendations since this problem is kind of difficult if you don't know much about matrices. Write on a paper down the movement, and what does i and j do in each movement, then you'll eventually find a pattern that matches! Write the code first at brute force, then optimize the algorithm. Good luck whoever is reading this, liked this kata, took me a bit to optimize it and I believe it's not the most optimal solution!

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    thank you! :)

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    Almost done with the series, I felt like the 3rd chapter was way more challenging to undertstand than this one. Good job man!

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    At first I wrote a really messy solution. This problem taught me how much I was missing about playing around with strings properly, thanks!

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    Hi, please read the description and the error message carefully next time, months is not a valid unit. Not a kata issue.

    the duration is expressed as a combination of years, days, hours, minutes and seconds.

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    Liked this Kata so much. My first 4 Kyu problem!