Congrats! I also liked multiplication of strings as numbers together with variations, i wonder if there are about long division, but i already know that division is going to be hard...
I figured it out, so the input is an array [] even though I was expecting an array inside an array and since I was indexing the second array which didnt exist it caused my issue.
I have no clue what I am doing wrong on random_tests it keeps complaining about length being 0 but I dont know why its 0, does that mean its empty so I should return an empty vec but its not working still, Im so confused language RUST.
Recomendations since this problem is kind of difficult if you don't know much about matrices. Write on a paper down the movement, and what does i and j do in each movement, then you'll eventually find a pattern that matches! Write the code first at brute force, then optimize the algorithm. Good luck whoever is reading this, liked this kata, took me a bit to optimize it and I believe it's not the most optimal solution!
Please, change the nomenclatures of the problem from C# to the standard ones for public attributes (PascalCase), same as methods
Congrats! I also liked multiplication of strings as numbers together with variations, i wonder if there are about long division, but i already know that division is going to be hard...
I figured it out, so the input is an array [] even though I was expecting an array inside an array and since I was indexing the second array which didnt exist it caused my issue.
I have no clue what I am doing wrong on random_tests it keeps complaining about length being 0 but I dont know why its 0, does that mean its empty so I should return an empty vec but its not working still, Im so confused language RUST.
Recomendations since this problem is kind of difficult if you don't know much about matrices. Write on a paper down the movement, and what does i and j do in each movement, then you'll eventually find a pattern that matches! Write the code first at brute force, then optimize the algorithm. Good luck whoever is reading this, liked this kata, took me a bit to optimize it and I believe it's not the most optimal solution!
thank you! :)
Almost done with the series, I felt like the 3rd chapter was way more challenging to undertstand than this one. Good job man!
At first I wrote a really messy solution. This problem taught me how much I was missing about playing around with strings properly, thanks!
Hi, please read the description and the error message carefully next time, months is not a valid unit. Not a kata issue.
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Liked this Kata so much. My first 4 Kyu problem!