  • // Write a project that demonstrates inheritance in C#
    //note - there are a lot of distinctions between just being unix and linux, but this is a simplified example, I know. 
    public interface IKernel {
      //TODO - implement basic functions
    public abstract class Unix : IKernel {
      //TODO - implement basic functions
    public class WinNT : IKernel {
      //TODO - implement basic functions
    public class LinuxKernel : Unix {
    public class XNU : Unix {
    public interface IOperatingSystem {
      public string DE {get; set;}
      public string WM {get; set;}
      public IKernel Kernel {get; set;}
      void outputSystemSettings();
    public abstract class UnixSystem : IOperatingSystem {
      public IKernel Kernel {get; set;}
      public string DE {get; set;}
      public string WM {get; set;}
      public void outputSystemSettings() {}
      protected UnixSystem(string DesktopEnvironment, string WindowManager, IKernel kernel) {
        this.DE = DesktopEnvironment;
        this.WM = WindowManager;
        this.Kernel = kernel;
    public class MacOs : UnixSystem {
      // this info was taken with neofetch on my computer
      public MacOs() : base("Aqua", "Quartz Compositor", new XNU()) {}
    public class Ubuntu : UnixSystem {
      //defaults are used here, since linux is extremely customizable
      public Ubuntu() : base("GNOME", "Metacity", new LinuxKernel()) {}
    public class Windows : IOperatingSystem {
      public string DE {get; set;} = "Windows Shell";
      public string WM {get; set;} = "DWM";
      public IKernel Kernel {get; set;} = new WinNT();
      public void outputSystemSettings() {
    • // Write a project that demonstrates inheritance in C#
    • // Write a project that demonstrates inheritance in C#
    • //note - there are a lot of distinctions between just being unix and linux, but this is a simplified example, I know.
    • public interface IKernel {
    • //TODO - implement basic functions
    • }
    • public abstract class Unix : IKernel {
    • //TODO - implement basic functions
    • }
    • public class WinNT : IKernel {
    • //TODO - implement basic functions
    • }
    • public class LinuxKernel : Unix {
    • }
    • public class XNU : Unix {
    • }
    • public interface IOperatingSystem {
    • public string DE {get; set;}
    • public string WM {get; set;}
    • public IKernel Kernel {get; set;}
    • void outputSystemSettings();
    • }
    • public abstract class UnixSystem : IOperatingSystem {
    • public IKernel Kernel {get; set;}
    • public string DE {get; set;}
    • public string WM {get; set;}
    • public void outputSystemSettings() {}
    • protected UnixSystem(string DesktopEnvironment, string WindowManager, IKernel kernel) {
    • this.DE = DesktopEnvironment;
    • this.WM = WindowManager;
    • this.Kernel = kernel;
    • }
    • }
    • public class MacOs : UnixSystem {
    • // this info was taken with neofetch on my computer
    • public MacOs() : base("Aqua", "Quartz Compositor", new XNU()) {}
    • }
    • public class Ubuntu : UnixSystem {
    • //defaults are used here, since linux is extremely customizable
    • public Ubuntu() : base("GNOME", "Metacity", new LinuxKernel()) {}
    • }
    • public class Windows : IOperatingSystem {
    • public string DE {get; set;} = "Windows Shell";
    • public string WM {get; set;} = "DWM";
    • public IKernel Kernel {get; set;} = new WinNT();
    • public void outputSystemSettings() {
    • }
    • }
  • function prime_checker (n) {
      if (n <= 1) return false; // negatives
      if (n % 2 === 0 && n > 2) return false; //if even, we can immediately say it's composite.
      const sq =  Math.sqrt(n)
      for (let i = 3; i<sq; i+= 2) {
        if (n % i == 0) return false;
      return true;
    • function prime_checker (n) {
    • // Write a javascript function to check if N is a prime number
    • if (n <= 1) return false; // negatives
    • if (n % 2 === 0 && n > 2) return false; //if even, we can immediately say it's composite.
    • const sq = Math.sqrt(n)
    • for (let i = 3; i<sq; i+= 2) {
    • if (n % i == 0) return false;
    • }
    • return true;
    • }

2nd revision of this project. i'm still trying to figure out exactly what's wrong and how to get the test results. There's some errors with the lowercase/uppercase types? Either way, it iterates first to count elements (there's a way to optimize it but i'm very tired) and then only adds the second element.

  • import static;
    import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.reverse;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    interface DeleteDuplicates {
      static Double[] deleteDups(double[] nums) {
    		     // Given an array, eliminate duplicate values and return the array 
    			 // also - only returns the last values
    		Map<Double, Integer> amountOfTimesSeen = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
    		ArrayList<Double> tempArray = new ArrayList<Double>();
    		//this is a very hacky thing and i'd optimize things but i dont have time
    		//first iterate through everything to see how many times we get a number
    		for (double num: nums) {
    			if (amountOfTimesSeen.putIfAbsent(num, 1) != null) {
    				amountOfTimesSeen.put(num, amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) + 1);
    		//now add to the temporary array if it's only been in the array once
    		for (double num: nums) {
    			if (amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) == 1) {
    			if (amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) == 2) {
    				amountOfTimesSeen.put(num, amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) - 1);
    				//im literally praying this works. idk what it does but whatever.
    		return tempArray.toArray(new Double[tempArray.size()]);
    • import static;
    • import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.reverse;
    • import java.util.Arrays;
    • interface DeleteDuplicates {
    • static double[] deleteDups(double[] a) {
    • // Given an array, eliminate duplicate values and return the array
    • return a;
    • }
    • static Double[] deleteDups(double[] nums) {
    • // Given an array, eliminate duplicate values and return the array
    • // also - only returns the last values
    • Map<Double, Integer> amountOfTimesSeen = new HashMap<Double, Integer>();
    • ArrayList<Double> tempArray = new ArrayList<Double>();
    • //this is a very hacky thing and i'd optimize things but i dont have time
    • //first iterate through everything to see how many times we get a number
    • for (double num: nums) {
    • if (amountOfTimesSeen.putIfAbsent(num, 1) != null) {
    • amountOfTimesSeen.put(num, amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) + 1);
    • }
    • }
    • //now add to the temporary array if it's only been in the array once
    • for (double num: nums) {
    • if (amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) == 1) {
    • tempArray.add(num);
    • }
    • if (amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) == 2) {
    • amountOfTimesSeen.put(num, amountOfTimesSeen.get(num) - 1);
    • //im literally praying this works. idk what it does but whatever.
    • }
    • }
    • return tempArray.toArray(new Double[tempArray.size()]);
    • }
    • }
  •     import static;
    import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.reverse;
    import java.util.*;
    interface DeleteDuplicates {
      static double[] deleteDups(double[] nums) {
    • import static;
    • import static;
    • import static org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils.reverse;
    • import java.util.*;
    • interface DeleteDuplicates {
    • static double[] deleteDups(double[] a) {
    • // Given an array, eliminate duplicate values and return the array
    • return a;
    • }
    • static double[] deleteDups(double[] nums) {
    • return;
    • }
    • }