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    Also, I forgot to mention, lack of knowledge of an item is only the most basic security: security by obscurity. It certainly has it's place, but you should never rely on secrecy exclusively for securing something.

    Think of security as an onion: the more layers, the more time it takes to crack, and the less likely your attacker will be successful. (i.e.: Hiding your treasure map is ok, but encrypting the map and then hiding it is much better!)

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    That's sort of the whole point of hashing passwords. You can get a copy of the hash (and even the salt), and still never learn the original password. (And, if the attacker does not have the ability to manipulate code server-side—which makes this moot anyway—they won't be able to assume the credentials of another person, because the server will require the password to still match.)

    This is because the hashing function is a one-way hash. A one-way hash takes an input, and provides a completely different, nearly unique output (uniqueness mostly depends on input length and output length). Once you get the result, there should never be an algorithm to reverse the hash back into the input.

    A cheap hashing function (such as MD5) is very fast, so you can brute-force the password in minutes (maybe seconds?) on modern hardware. But, with a good hashing algorithm, such as bcrypt or PBKDF2, with a high cost (or number of iterations), it can take days, weeks, or even years to brute force just one salted password†.

    You can't pre-compute the passwords, using a rainbow table, because the salt is unique for each password. In a good security system, the salt is changed every time the password is changed, and is randomly generated. Salts don't have to be very long, because it's the simple fact that it changes the input that matters.

    This whole system is sort of a technical variation of a messenger learning a password, then eating the paper it's written on. There's no way to get the original paper back—you must rely on the messenger (hash function) confirming that the password is the same. If you want the original password, you have to beat it out of the messenger (brute force), which could be quick for wimpy hashes with no salts, or may never happen if the hashing technique is exceptionally strong.

    † This is why you never use obvious or guessable passwords. Given a list of common passwords, and an algorithm that can translate these into common alternate spellings (change case, swap E for 3, etc), even a perfectly hashed bad password could be cracked in minutes using good hardware.