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    Thanks dude!

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    It worked, thanks.

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    I got same error message

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    My test result was

    Test Failed: Expected: {"b":2,"y":1,"o":1}, instead got: {"b":2,"y":1,"o":1}

    I find this funny...

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    Try this test case: Test.expect(reverseWords('This is an example!') === 'sihT si na !elpmaxe');

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    I'm getting this error "Test Failed: Expected: sihT si na !elpmaxe, instead got: sihT si na !elpmaxe", what's wrong here?

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    #Kata text ambiguous, consider instead

    Title: Count individual character's occurances in your string

    Count how many times each character(UTF-8) occurs in a given string and return an object literal.

    Example: If you have string like this 'aba' then the result should be { 'a': 2, 'b': 1 }

    Versus the current text which implies a grand-total of all characters that occur(exist,happen) instead of occur_ances_(event), then an example that countermands the first sentence.

    The main idea is to count all the occuring characters(UTF-8) in string. If you have string like this 'aba' then the result should be { 'a': 2, 'b': 1 }

    Some occur alternatives to consider: amount,appearance,frequency,number of times,shows up

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    Can someone tell me how come the test showed this an error

    Test Failed: Expected: {"a":2,"b":1,"A":2}, instead got: {"a":1,"b":1,"A":2}

    I used Test.assertSimilar();

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    How do I use the Test script for javascript? I can't figure it out...

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    Hi guys, I have a hard time testing my codes, how do I use the Test script in here?