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    Thanks for you answer.

    I underdtand that expected result is different.

    What I don't understand if why it should be 'foobar01000'

    The task says "... If the string already ends with a number, the number should be incremented by 1. ..."

    foobar01000 is not an increment foobar1000.

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    All tests pass, however after attempting to submit it says:

    'foobar1000' should equal 'foobar01000'

    Am I missing something? Why '01000' and not '1001' ?

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    Can you please explain why it is 1 ?

    test.assert_equals(longest_palindrome("abcdefghba"), 1)

    Do you want to say that middle character "e" is palindrom with length of 1?
    If so, I don't get it. Makes no sense for me... Am I missing something?

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    You need to print the number of duplicating elements, not the number of their occurrences.

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    4^0 = 1