Hi! That's a good point, I fixed it now so it should be less long. I underestimated the amount of symbols there were so I kept adding to the list and it became much longer than I initially thought.
I hate regex so I definitely like your approach, however most linters/ code formatters do not like lines more than 80 characters so you may have to reformat this in a production envirionment depending on your team/ employer!
Doesnt this decrease performance deficiency?
for what?
how to report this?
I made a small change to fix that, thank you for the observation.
Seems to be broken for
(100, 100, 100)
caseHi! That's a good point, I fixed it now so it should be less long. I underestimated the amount of symbols there were so I kept adding to the list and it became much longer than I initially thought.
Hey I'm new to codewars!
I hate regex so I definitely like your approach, however most linters/ code formatters do not like lines more than 80 characters so you may have to reformat this in a production envirionment depending on your team/ employer!