Good kata for dynamic programming! It's may be fun, but I write initial idea in 5 minutes and check whole 2 hours why this isn't works. By the end it being logical error in choosing next index. So be carefully, index in array works not the same as left and right pointer in the tree!
You should create super class Shape and other shapes class that be Shape instance. And calculate area in each or them, also adding some dunder methods.
Good kata Товарищ! USSR гордиться тобой! "Учиться, учиться и еще раз учиться!", как завещал товарищ Ленин(Not a Jonh Lennon XD)
Hi janitormeir! Thanks for good kata! Really enojed by solving this!
Good kata for dynamic programming! It's may be fun, but I write initial idea in 5 minutes and check whole 2 hours why this isn't works. By the end it being logical error in choosing next index. So be carefully, index in array works not the same as left and right pointer in the tree!
You should create super class Shape and other shapes class that be Shape instance. And calculate area in each or them, also adding some dunder methods.
Good advice! Thank you. It's helped me!
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Thank you so much for this kata. It took me 3.5 hours to completing. But in the end it doest even matter. Its 80 lvl of fun)
Hi! Your attempt solution looks great, but can you think "whats make character last in the word"? And what is the best data structure to implement it?
Your welcome)
Your welcome! Glad that you liked kata!
You can look on other data structures(like hashtable) and think about differences between last characters and other characters
Thank you bro!
Thank you so much bro. Glad that u enjoed
Thank you that completed kata friend!
Thanks for feedback!
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