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    Huh. I may have ended up using a bit of a hack to get around that. Apologies if that was poor sport! :-)

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    @kazk: great man thanks!

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    @kalys Elixir 1.6 should be available now.

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    I'll try to make this 1.6 compatible.
    Should be possible by fixing unsafe variable rot and avoiding deprecated random module.
    I'll let you know when I'm done so you can try this with Elixir 1.6.

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    Can be. The Elixir translation was written 2 years ago...

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    When I pass spec arguments to my code in 1.6.6 Elixir it gives correct answer.
    Could this be due to version difference? I'm not able to install 1.2.4.

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    I don't see anything wrong in the tests. Look at the top of the page to see how many guys passed the kata in Elixir before posting an issue. Better to look at your code. Cheers.

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    I got this failed test case on Elixir. And it seems like it's wrong. Could you check it?

    1) test contain_all_rots (AllinclusiveTest)
     Assertion with == failed
     code: Allinclusive.contain_all_rots(strng, arr) == ans
     lhs:  false
     rhs:  true
    Test 63
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