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    when I use toUpperCase and toLocalUpperCase function,why do they have no effect ?

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    a example(2,263,140)
    Expected objects to be the same.
    Passed in:
    (string) '02FF8C'
    (string) '2FF8C'

    but why the result of example(0,0,0) is '000000' not '00000'

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    I use the function array_push(),get reslut like this:Expected: Array (0 => 'arp' 1 => 'live' 2 => 'strong')
    Actual : Array (0 => 'live' 1 => 'strong' 2 => 'arp')
    however,I also use array_unshift() and array_reverse() which get the same result.
    how does it work?