  • Custom User Avatar

    Great solution!

    Return statement might been more readable without the ternary operator.


    return new ulong[]{fib1,fib2, Convert.ToUInt64(fib1 * fib2 == prod)}

    or even

    bool found = fib1 * fib2 == prod;
    return new ulong[]{fib1,fib2, Convert.ToUInt64(found)}

  • Custom User Avatar

    I made same misstake, e.g.missed the specification

    "a valid response word must contain four different letters"

    tent contains two t and is therefore an invalid answer.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I made same misstake :)

    e.g.missed the specification

    "a valid response word must contain four different letters"

    nett contains two t and is therefore an invalid answer.