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    Yes. I found the easiest way to respond to "issue"s that just plain says "kata doesn't work" is to respond with a plain "No", especially since that I tested the kata after looking at it and it works. If you're writing an "issue" report with that brevity, you should expect getting something on roughly the same extent back.

    I guess some people are not satisfied with it. They want me to write out a thousand-words apology statement or something.

    (Said person also downvoted all my resolve comments in this kata and blocked me, but whatever)

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    I was able to complete this right now with JavaScript.

    If you believe there's some issue, please explain in your comment when opening an issue.
    The issue was probably resolved because the kata works fine and you did not provide any details.
    @Voile doesn't deserve the downvote.

    If you're still having problems, try posting your solution marking the comment as having spoiler.
    Maybe someone can help you.

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