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    The samples in the description don't match the accepted solutions. The description shows 0 and . characters, but the expected output is 1s and 0s.
    There are other issues too, but other people have already mentioned them.

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    You shouldn't make the index 1-based. No sensible programmer ever does that.

    You also shouldn't encourage people to hard-code the names. Using examples in the question is fine, but when you pass in the array, you should expect them to use that array. Telling them it is count 5 defeats the purpose of passing in the array.

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    There's nothing wrong with the problem, I assure you guys. I just solved it now.
    I have a feeling you're using too much ram or taking too long to complete. The test cases use really gigantic values for n.
    Or your internet is having problems. I notice hiccups in submitting solutions in those cases too.

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    Re-read this part of the problem:

    int n = 7230702951;
    Line.WhoIsNext(names, n) --> "Leonard"

    You're using too much memory, and the server requires you to not use that much memory for any kata.

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    The question should be reworded because assuming the list of names has a length of 5 is silly and unnecessary.
    However, the big number requirement is perfectly reasonable, and is stated in the original problem. The whole point of this kata is being able to overcome that challenge.

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    As stated in the original problem, you must be able to pass this test case:

    int n = 7230702951;
    Line.WhoIsNext(names, n) --> "Leonard"

    If you can't pass that test, you'll need to refactor your solution until you can.

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    You are probably using up memory, and the test cases inputs a really large number.
    As stated in the problem, you need to be able to handle this case:

    int n = 7230702951;
    Line.WhoIsNext(names, n) --> "Leonard"

    If that case breaks, you'll need to refactor your solution until it doesn't break.

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    On the Kata page, I should be able to click the ^ 55 upvote button in order to upvote the kata. This is the one at the top left.

    There is a duplicate of this button (except that it is actually cliable) slightly lower and to the right, by the social media sharing buttons. That button should be removed once the version of the button I mentioned above is made to be clicakable.

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    The C# translation has problems in the test cases. They should be capitalized, as per standard C# naming conventions, and the initial code in the kata.

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