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    I also like your solution! I made the kata more difficult to prevent it. Sorry ;-)

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    I thought you meant the main test case and forgot about the example test case :-) I fixed it. Thanks!

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    I think the argument order in the test is correct. The actual value is the first one and the expected value is the second one (like you wrote).

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    Thank you very much kayahr for reviewing and giving valuable feedback, appreciate it!!!

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    thanks for the link! but I changed from Test.expect into Test.assertEquals method all 3 example, 14 final test cases in "Always perfect" kata and 3 example, 11 final test cases in "Big number problem" kata, are you sure it is still broken?

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    thanks very much kayahr, I changed all Test.expect into Test.assertEquals. I am new in codewars this is just my second kata. I didnt know about assertEquals method, is there a document which explains that method here?
    can you try to check now the kata?

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    You're right. There was a problem with the second example test case, i fixed it.

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    Hi kayahr,

    can you specify, what did you pass and what it returnded. clarify your problem, what exactly happened? then i will try to figure it out.

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    Hi kayahr,
    Is it possible that your array has some extra "null" cells? Can you test for array dimensions and see if it's what expected?
    If my clue didn't lead you anywhere, can you please post your code (marking it as spoiler)?