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    The haskell tests are totally broken; there are several solutions that just return a static string that succeed. Please fix!

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    The general issue here is showing up in other languages as well, but I do not know whether they are wrong, what I know is that I do not like this test pattern one bit. And that general issue is that the tests consist of checking for specific ways the result might be wrong, but doesn't actually bother checking whether the result is right. I would much rather see a line-by-line comparison (or even the whole block at once), and not have any of these remarks. Yeah, I get that having no reference solution is sexy. It's also difficult/complicated/error-prone.

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    TypeScript translation (literal translation of JavaScript; author inactive)

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    The individual test run from around 20ms or 2ms but it still timed out ? Is my algorithm still inefficient ?

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    Hi, my code always run beyond 16sec. Here's the pseudo:

    //while last index is lt width
    //> get substring
    //> pass the substring to a method that will add spaces
    //>> (method that adds spaces): split the string
    //>> (method that adds spaces): loop to add spaces (one at a time) until length is eq to width
    //> append to output string

    Any suggestion on what part to improve? TIA.

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    I just published the R translation of this Kata.
    Please, check it out and comment or approve it.

    It is my first Kata translation, so I am open to any constructive criticism.

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    I am using python for this kata. I am getting an error "line starts or
    ends with a space. The only lines that end with a space are 1 word lines.
    All lines start with letter. I do not see why this is failing. Any help
    is appreciated.

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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled, see this to learn how to do it

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    My implementation passed:

    public function test30() { $this->assertEquals("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,\nconsectetur adipiscing elit.\nVestibulum sagittis dolor\nmauris, at elementum ligula\ntempor eget. In quis rhoncus\nnunc, at aliquet orci. Fusce\nat dolor sit amet felis\nsuscipit tristique. Nam a\nimperdiet tellus. Nulla eu\nvestibulum urna. Vivamus\ntincidunt suscipit enim, nec\nultrices nisi volutpat ac.\nMaecenas sit amet lacinia\narcu, non dictum justo. Donec\nsed quam vel risus faucibus\neuismod. Suspendisse rhoncus\nrhoncus felis at fermentum.\nDonec lorem magna, ultricies a\nnunc sit amet, blandit\nfringilla nunc. In vestibulum\nvelit ac felis rhoncus\npellentesque. Mauris at tellus\nenim. Aliquam eleifend tempus\ndapibus. Pellentesque commodo,\nnisi sit amet hendrerit\nfringilla, ante odio porta\nlacus, ut elementum justo\nnulla et dolor.", justify("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum sagittis dolor mauris, at elementum ligula tempor eget. In quis rhoncus nunc, at aliquet orci. Fusce at dolor sit amet felis suscipit tristique. Nam a imperdiet tellus. Nulla eu vestibulum urna. Vivamus tincidunt suscipit enim, nec ultrices nisi volutpat ac. Maecenas sit amet lacinia arcu, non dictum justo. Donec sed quam vel risus faucibus euismod. Suspendisse rhoncus rhoncus felis at fermentum. Donec lorem magna, ultricies a nunc sit amet, blandit fringilla nunc. In vestibulum velit ac felis rhoncus pellentesque. Mauris at tellus enim. Aliquam eleifend tempus dapibus. Pellentesque commodo, nisi sit amet hendrerit fringilla, ante odio porta lacus, ut elementum justo nulla et dolor.",30)); }

    From insruction tab and passed base test.
    Fails "Testing for width=15" with :"Line length is not equal
    Failed asserting that 10 matches expected 15."
    But i get source string and make conversion mannualy by rules from instructions tab and result with my implementation is same.

    And there are no info about what exact no right, but seems in other languages there are expected length at least.
    So i think there are invalid tests for php langauge.

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