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    this happens to me in python more often than I'd like to admit. my understand is that it normally means code needs optimizing cuz it's not fast enough yet. it sounds like implements the processor time restriction in a way that has some variability due to server load - I'm guessing for practical reasons + realism - so code that's right on the edge of efficient enough may sometimes pass & sometimes fail

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    Hi, i'm attempting to submit my code with ruby. It says i pass all of the sample tests. and then it runs and returns either this error:

    The server timed out waiting for the code to finish executing. It is possible that this is due to high server load. It may also be caused by inefficent code. Please try your request again.


    Process exited prematurely with a SIGKILL signal.

    it is an attempt at solving this kata:
    Simple Fun #159: Middle Permutation
    I can also send the code if that helps?