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    Perhaps explain that the constructor should throw an exception when the argument has got a missing pair e.g 'ABC'.

    It has an explaination about having a maximum of 10 pairs and to have unique pairs. I think it should say that a valid setup should not have half a pair.

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    Each pair of letters is a bidirectional mapping, the first two letters 'AB' mean A -> B, B -> A, and so on. How would you explain it differently?

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    Should not have accepted a partial wire definition

    What is it actually expecting? It is not explicitly described on what needs to be implemented

    The Plugboard class you will implement, will:

    Take a list of wire pairs at construction in the form of a string, with a default behaviour of no wires configured. E.g. "ABCD" would wire A <-> B and C <-> D.
    Validate that the wire pairings are legitimate. Raise an exception if not.
    Implement the process method to translate a single character input into an output.