I'm still a beginner and know a lot about functions, objects, etc., But this gave a lot of confusion as to what the class was, static, etc. It definitely should not be on 8 kuy.
Or someone could just briefly explain what these things are. ( static, class )
Just wanted to konw, here they want to use make function right? Then why the 'class' and 'static'! I mean what are those? I have seen some of them in Java but in Js? really?
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why what who when where how
ты просто псих
i'm вахуе
I don't get why this is the best. They just changed words into char. Making the code harder to understand. Right?
I'm still a beginner and know a lot about functions, objects, etc., But this gave a lot of confusion as to what the class was, static, etc. It definitely should not be on 8 kuy.
Or someone could just briefly explain what these things are. ( static, class )
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Just wanted to konw, here they want to use make function right? Then why the 'class' and 'static'! I mean what are those? I have seen some of them in Java but in Js? really?
Until this moment I thought my code is good. Damn you, kayakero!
I am thinking the same thing
3 similar code variations are grouped with this one WHAT?
how? what? why? ... actually, you know what, do what you do, it's beautiful.
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