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    @dinglemouse, thanks for the support haha (fan of your Kata btw :P), anyway it seems none of this matters anymore as the Kata has been retired. I'll be back with something better hopefully soon.

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    I disagree. There has to be some entry-level tests no matter how trivial they seem. Everybody has to start somewhere. At least this one requires understanding of operator precedence.

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    Java assertEquals is all back-to-front

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    Maybe just keep it in draft form (unpublish it); you can easily create and test kata this way (even using the trainer the way you would a 'normal' kata) without publishing it. I have to agree with Donald that this one doesn't make much sense as new challenge.

    Or you can wait until a more suitable idea strikes you and republish :) Might be best to scrap this one entirely though since it's already got negative feedback.

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    Ah, thanks for all the feedback dude, I'll definitely give this another go with a more interesting Kata sometime. This has been a good learning experience though!

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    fixed, added 200 random test cases :D

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    Since you've just published a C# version of this Kata, allow me to remind you of following established conventions or whatever language/framework/etc. you're using. C# method names should always be in StudlyCaps. The reason we follow convention when authoring Kata on CW is because we don't want fellow Codewarriors to complete a Kata, only to learn bad practices from them and migrating them to the workplace. This would've been normally raised as an Issue but since you mentioned that you're just trying your hand at a Kata, I'll leave it as a side note for reference, cheers :)

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    Also, note that having only 5 fixed assertions and no random assertions in the Submit tests is unacceptable on Codewars. If you author future Kata, you should always add 100+ random tests.

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    Thanks for the feedback, honestly I just wanted to try my hand at making a Kata, and this is some random idea that came to mind. Wouldn't be the worst thing if it gets taken down.

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    Probably not an exact duplicate of anything but lacks originality and is hardly more challenging than the entrance Kata to this site (Multiply). New beginner Kata are certainly welcome on this site but not if they're half-assed like this one. Think about it - if someone can complete the Multiply kata (i.e. every single Codewarrior who signs up), what would they learn by completing this Kata? Nothing.

    Suggestions to improve this Kata: None. This Kata currently stands no chance of leaving Beta. I'd recommend you to unpublish this Kata and come up with a much better idea before republishing it.