Your solution has two bugs which I had to fix to make it pass.
Bugs in your solution are not a kata issue.
C Language : when i test my solution on my pc , it work fine , but fail in test here for example ("" , "") , my solution is 246 but here i got this : for (start = ; end = expected 246 but got 6845 why ?
for (start = ; end =
expected 246 but got 6845
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i like how u used substr just once
check out my solution for this issue LOL
There is no 'n' so it is false
i think this should be True "abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz", the final attempt , say it's false , did i understand it wrong ?!
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Your solution has two bugs which I had to fix to make it pass.
Bugs in your solution are not a kata issue.
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i like how u used
just oncecheck out my solution for this issue LOL
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
There is no 'n' so it is false
i think this should be True "abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyz", the final attempt , say it's false , did i understand it wrong ?!
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