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    because now his/her Kata will get a bad satisfaction rating from all the annoyed people who cannot pass the broken tests.

    For the record, if nobody can pass the tests they can't vote on it either, so you will not see any satisfaction rating drops. You will get a bunch of issues filing in, though.

    I think the beta period has gotten too short.

    If you're claiming that you need to supply a proof that extending the beta period will actually decrease the chance of an issue slipping through the radar, which is very likely to be false: for the many beta katas I've solved there are no issues posted beyond the first few users who attempted the kata (or they already have tons of issues because it's just, well, broken, and adding more issues does not change anything). Most issues are raised after approval, because after all, you can't get people obligated to do beta katas; they barely give a few honor points.

    On the other hand, previously the vote requirement basically blocked tons of katas from being approved. This is undeniable (look at how many katas that got approved after the beta approval change).

    Or, in other words, you need to prove that bureaucracy increases quality for a community-based site that is CodeWars. I don't think they're even compatible at all.

    (By the way, I've fixed the tests. It takes less than a minute, but I don't want to give the impression to everyone else that I will fix all the broken stuff that is found. Being reliant on an alien is seldom a good idea, obviously.)

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    That's not how you raise an issue.

    • If you're posting an issue you need to document what actually is wrong so that others can take actions (and no, letting others look into it for you is not how to do it). You didn't even give an example of what is being wrong. Look at how JohanWiltink raises the same issue below.
    • Code should be posted in spoilers.
    • If this is what you want to raise you should raise it as a question instead.

    Anyways, closing because it's a duplicate issue, and it's not exactly helpful.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    I didn't get it at first looking at this code, but once you understood,it is amazing and clear solution.hahaah